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Welcome to
Root and Reed


Welcome to Root and Reed, Herbal Apothecary

We are your source for a wide selection of small batch, hand-made, natural products to help support a healthy and active lifestyle. 


Our intuitively crafted products are made from seasonally harvested herbs, plants and roots which are sustainably wildcrafted and grown in our own medicinal herb gardens or sourced from local farms, forests or trusted international growers.


Our herbal  tinctures are all hand concocted using both folk and spagyric methods with all elements being pure and natural as possible. We also plant and harvest our medicinal herbs according to lunar cycles as we believe this helps to ensure all therapeutic constituents, contained within the plant, are at their peak when harvested.

My method

As each person has a unique body chemistry so should be their wellness journey. Here at Root and Reed Herbal we try to provide customized protocols to help bring balance and wellness into their healing journey.


Balancing our bodies and strengthening our natural immunity is key to good health. Let us help you take back control over your body and wellbeing. 

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